Tuesday, 2 August 2011

The Granny Shirt - DIY

This ones pretty simple but I was pleased with the result. Yes, today we are going to make over your nan's old blouse that you snuck out of her wardrobe the other day. Or alternatively, if your nan is very attached to her fine selection of blouses you could go for the charity shop option instead. I got this one for £2.99.

(I got the shorts which are Topshop off of eBay for £12.50)
I removed the sleeves from the blouse using my stitch ripper but the material was frayed so I sewed a large zigzag stitch using my sewing machine (alternatively you could sew by hand) around both of the now sleeveless sleeves to prevent it fraying even more.


I then folded over the zigzag stitch and sewed a small straight stitch over the folded material to make a neat hem. N.B: Remember that the bobbin (underneath side) is going to be the side that is shown when the hem is made so make sure that the bobbin thread colour is suitable for the colour of the material you are sewing on.

The side folded over here is the side that
will be shown when the hem is made.
 So now the sleeves are fully hemmed. I could have stopped here but I wanted the shirt to button up the whole way so I sewed one pair of poppers (a.k.a. 'snap fasteners') to the top of the collar of the shirt.

And the shirt is complete! Not a very complicated transformation but I like it all the same. Here's the finished result - and please feel free to notice my newly assembled blue wall hook:

Here's the before & after:

Lots of love, Jiji xxxxx

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